Alta Mere FDD Summary
Type of Business
Three franchises are offered: A franchise is offered to establish and operate a business specializing in the sales and installation of automobile, window tint, alarms and other accessories operated under the service mark “Alta Mere®”; a franchise is offered to establish and operate an Alta Mere business that also offers automotive tune-ups, vehicle maintenance, brakes and air conditioning service and repair under the service mark “Milex Complete Auto Care®”; and a franchise is offered to establish and operate Alta Mere business that also specializes in flat glass window film and treatment services under the service mark ”SmartView®. Franchises can be established in two ways: as a start-up business or by conversion of an independent business specializing in the sales and installation of automobile window tint, alarms and other accessories to a franchised business.
Corporate Information
Moran Industries, Inc is an Illinois corporation incorporated on July 27, 1990. They maintain their principal address at 4444 West 147th Street, Midlothian, Illinois 60445. They do business under the names “Moran Industries, Inc.” and “Moran Family of Brands.” They offer franchises for the retail sale and installation of automobile tint, alarms and other accessories under the service marks “Alta Mere®”, and “Alta Mere Toys For Your Car! ®.”
The total investment necessary to begin operation of an “Alta Mere” store ranges from $136,507 to $205,096. The total investment necessary to begin operation of an Alta Mere/Milex Co-branded franchise ranges from $201,289 to $296,827. The total investment necessary to begin operation of an Alta Mere/SmartView Co-branded franchise ranges from $156,728 to $226,229.