Assisting Hands Home Care (Area Representative) FDD – Franchise Information, Costs and Fees

Type of Business
Assisting Hands Home Care area representatives solicit, screen, recruit, develop, service and support third party franchisees who operate Assisting Hands Businesses within a specified territory.

Corporate Information
Assisting Hands Home Care, LLC is an Arizona limited liability company organized on March 9, 2006. Their principal business address is 5700 E. Franklin Road, Suite #105, Nampa, Idaho 83687. They began offering franchises for area representative franchises and unit franchises in June 2006.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of an Assisting Hands Home Care area representative franchise ranges from $176,650 to $589,500, including between $156,500 and $503,000 that must be paid to the franchisor or its affiliates. Area Representatives must also purchase a pilot Assisting Hands Business which is offered through a separate franchise disclosure document.

View the 2017 Assisting Hands Home Care (Area Representative) FDD

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