Bin There, Dump That FDD Summary
Type of Business
The franchisee will operate a BIN THERE…DUMP THAT business providing waste removal and disposal services, and other related services and products the franchisor may periodically introduce.
Corporate Information
Bin There USA, LLC maintains their principal place of business at 1645 Finfar Court, Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 4K1, Canada. They are a Delaware limited liability company and were formed on December 28, 2010. They began to offer BTDT Business franchises in the second quarter of 2011. Their parent company is That Franchise Inc., an Ontario, Canada corporation that was incorporated on June 4, 2003.
The estimated total initial investment necessary to begin operation of a BTDT Business franchise ranges from $62,200 to $110,400. This includes an initial fee ranging from $29,100 to $42,000 that you must pay to the franchisor.