Jason’s Deli FDD Summary
Type of Business
The Franchisee will operate a Jason’s Deli restaurant, which is a modified form of a New York-style delicatessen that offers a variety of delicatessen products, as well as sandwiches, soups, baked potatoes, pasta dishes, wraps, a salad bar as well as catering and delivery services.
Corporate Information
Deli Management, Inc. is a Texas corporation, incorporated on October 3, 1983. Their principal business address is 2400 Broadway, Beaumont, Texas 77702. They conduct business under the name “Jason’s Deli”.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Jason’s Deli franchise is $873,680.00 to 1,244,680.00, exclusive of any land purchase. This includes $35,000.00 initial franchise fee that must be paid to the franchisor or affiliate(s).