Realty Executives International FDD Summary
Type of Business
REALTY EXECUTIVES International, Inc. offers franchises for the operation of a business that that provides real estate services, including leasing, listing, purchasing, referral, selling, trading and other services of a similar nature.
Corporate Information
REALTY EXECUTIVES International, Inc. is an Arizona corporation that was incorporated under its original name of REALTY EXECUTIVES, Inc. on October 28, 1965. On September 19, 1990, after a series of name changes, their name was changed to REALTY EXECUTIVES International, Inc. Their principal business address is located at 7600North 16th Street, Suite 100, Phoenix, Arizona 85020. They began offering REALTY EXECUTIVES franchises in March of 1987.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of your REALTY EXECUTIVES franchise ranges from $20,400 to $119,000. This includes an amount that ranges from $1,000 to $50,000 that must be paid to the franchisor.