Soccer Shots FDD – Franchise Information, Costs and Fees

Type of Business
Soccer Shots Franchising, LLC offers franchises for an elective youth soccer education program that teaches and promotes soccer and character development to children, primarily ages 2 to 8 at various locations, including childcare centers, preschools, parks and community centers, camps or after school or summer programs.

Corporate Information
Soccer Shots Franchising LLC was formed in Pennsylvania on January 15, 2005. Their principal business address is 1020 South Eisenhower Blvd., Middletown, PA 17057. They have offered Soccer Shots franchises since February 1, 2005.

The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Soccer Shots franchise ranges from $42,950 to $54,300. This includes $36,508.33 to $36,600 that must be paid to the franchisor or an affiliate.

Soccer Shots FDD

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