Uniglobe Travel FDD Summary
Type of Business
We offer a franchise for the operation of a sales agency primarily offering business travel and conferencing services to small and mid-sized businesses.
Corporate Information
Uniglobe Travel International, LP, is the Master Franchisor and is referred to in this document as “International.” International does business under its legal name. International’s principal business address is The UNIGLOBE® Building, 900-1199 West Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, V6E 2R1. International is a Canadian limited partnership, formed on December 30, 2004 under the name Uniglobe Travel Limited Partnership and underwent a name change to Uniglobe Travel International, LP on February 16, 2005. It acquired its assets on 12/30/04 from its predecessor, Uniglobe Travel (International), Inc. (“UTI”), a Canadian corporation, as part of a restructuring of related companies. UTI was amalgamated under Canadian law with another related company on 12/31/04. UTI was incorporated on January 10, 1978. UTI began selling and organizing Regional Franchises in August, 1980. UTI did not offer UNIGLOBE® Franchises of the type offered here in this state, (although subsidiaries of UTI may have offered similar Franchises in various states in the past). UTI did not offer franchises in any other line of business. UTI’s business address was the same as International’s.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a Uniglobe Travel® business ranges from $45,700 to $61,500. This includes $19,000 that must be paid to the Franchisor or its affiliate.